Chippewas of Rama First Nation


First NationEconomic/ Business Development

About Us

The Chippewas of Rama First Nation have been known as a caring, sharing people throughout history. Our Chippewa territory has been called ‘the gathering place’ where travellers rested before continuing on their journey, where great meetings were held and important agreements signed. From the earliest of times, our people have been entrepreneurs, artisans, craftsmen, hunters and fishermen. We later operated as guides throughout the area for tourists, marketed crafts and produce. We invite you to learn more about our community, whose pride in Ojibwe traditions and restoring traditional ecological knowledge are at the forefront of community visioning. This stands alongside progressive programs, economic development initiatives and member services.

Explore Rama First Nation and visit our businesses!


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Printed courtesy of – Contact the Orillia & District Chamber of Commerce for more information.
575 West Street South, Orillia, Ontario L3V 7N6 – 705-326-4424 –