• 2024 Business Awards Nomination

    Use this form to nominate a business or individual. Nominees will be contacted by email and asked to complete an entry submission. All nominees will be recognized as nominated, but only those who complete an entry submission by the deadline will be considered in the judging process.
    Nominee Information
    Tell us about the business or individual you are nominating.
    Email address will be used to notify the nominee of their nomination and promt them to fill out an entry submission. If email is not available, please provide a phone number instead.
    Award Category *
    Briefly (in one or two sentences) explain why this individual/ business deserves to be recognized in the selected category.
    Nominator Information
    Provide us with your name and contact information in case we need to contact you regarding your nomination submission.
    Please provide your daytime contact information. Email is preferred.
    Opt in for updates on the ODCC Business Achievement Awards
    Check to opt in for email notifications about the Awards program including ceremony details.